Bigi Batoto, 2024
Scetches Bigi Batoto, 2024
Swollen Song
kingdom of ice II, 2023
Artic, 2023
Red Spirit, 2023
Kingdom of Ice
Blue Morpho, 2022
Planet Fungi – iii, 2022
Alu Love, 2022
Projektor, 2022
Wo Meine Sonne Scheint Tuinzicht, 2022
Planet Fungi -i & Planet Fungi – ii, 2022
like a wave, like a wave, 2021
Venus 13, 2021
Corona Drawings, 2020
crater, 2017
Solar 2, 2019
Hibernation, 2019
Green Crater, 2019
Cords, 2019
H2O, 2018
All is Delusion, 2018
Sunspot, 2018
Easy to feel, Hard to explain, 2018
Red Anemone, 2017
Origin of light part 6, 2015
Code Rood, 2017
solar -1, 2017
In Blue, 2017
Dansing Bones, 1998
Suds, 2002
Corn Hills, 2004
La Pommerie, 2005
Lus, 2005
Anemone, 2006
Lotus 6, 2007
Snakepit, 2008
Falls, 2008
Strangulation, 2011
Don’t Be Evil, 2013
Insectivore, 2012
Black Raster, 2012
Green Raster, 2012
Chalk Radiation, 2014
Paranoid Thoughts Blur My Vision, 2011
Radiations, 2011
Ghostflowers, 2011
Colour Vortex, 2014
Heavenly Accidents, 2011
Window, 2011
Raster 3, 2012
at Hein Elferink, 2015
In the Garden of H. Joris, 2016
COCON, 2017
Calypso, 2006
Pink and Green Vortex, 2015
Pillar, 2015
experiment A14, 2014
Experiment A15, 2015
Vortex, 2015
Origin of Light, 2015-ungoing
Orange Object, 2016
Blue Vortex, 2015